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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Day 6

(Right now, I am posting on my phone, since my laptop is having internet problems...so there will be a lack of pictures until this is resolved...sorry!)

When I looked over the route for today, I correctly noted that one of the critical points would be the bridge crossing the Wisła River, in the city of Płock. The map looked like there was a bike lane but getting to it was a little dysfunctional. So I got a bit turned around on the side roads while try to find the right place to go.

Then this guy rides by on a mountain bike in full cycling kit and asks if I am lost (in Polish). I tell him that I am trying to cross the river and keep going. I show him the map on my phone and he understands where I am trying to go.

He then tells me he will lead me there - through the bike path maze to the other side of the city. (The city did have the best bike lane network I have seen in Poland, but it is way easier when you have a local.

This guy's name was Paweł, and we chatted about various things, like Trek bikes are good, the bridge is the longest in Poland, and I am crazy for riding this far.

After we parted ways as I took the road to the NE, I had a smile on my face for a long time. There are not many sport cyclists in Poland, and he was so helpful!

I had a headwind or crosswind most of the day. After lunch, I was trying to figure out a way to not use Highway 60, which is a fairly busy, two lane road. It turns out, there isn't, so I just put my head down and got through that section as quick as I could.

Once I got to Ciechanów, I made it a point to go see the castle there. I did not realize it was also a museum, but I am going to save this part until I can post pictures.

Stay tuned...
Current totals:
882.5km/529.5mi and 42.5hrs

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